Monday, February 16, 2015


I am so excited that it’s snowing! Classes got canceled for today, so that made this snow day more relaxing. I hope all of you are at home safe and warm.

Snow is always a reminder of how beautiful Gods creation is. During snowstorms I just enjoy sitting by the fireplace with hot coco and blankets. I don’t mind snowstorms when I am at home all warm next to the fire. To make a snow day enjoyable, I think a big role is how your home is decorated. To make the room cozier than ever before, turn on any lamps you have at your home, and turn the main lights off. Giving your room that warm glow. Also, light some candles and enjoy the wonderful smell it projects. Now, all you have to do is kick back, drink hot chocolate, and turn on Netflix. I hope your day is enjoyable as mine. Everyone stay safe and warm! Happy snow day J

Keep your home beautiful and bright


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