Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Do I look good?

Happy Wednesday, we are half way to the weekend (thank goodness). I am so excited about today’s blog because it’s the first day with using my new professional blog website. I hope all of you guys like the new look; I think it fits well with my personality and style. This new look should make this website more enjoyable (I hope so).  Since I had frequent views, I thought it would be appropriate to make this official and professional. I am so excited to grow and learn more about blogging and making this a great experience, for you and me both! This morning while I was getting ready I thought how today should be designated to mirrors. Mirrors are AWESOME! Mirrors can be so unique. They can be everything from abstract, geometric, naturalistic, and other textures. I have a big mirror in my apartment, and it makes the room look full. I have a huge wall and it is hard to design a wall with lots of room. To get the easy way out, I suggest buying a big mirror and putting it on the wall to cover up all that space. Instead of buying lots of small pictures and frames why not buy one big mirror. A mirror does a lot for a room. My mirror was purchased from Kirkland’s, for under $50 and it was so worth it J

Keep your home beautiful and bright


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