Monday, February 23, 2015

Dreaming about Spring

As of today, I am officially over winter. I enjoy winter and the beautiful snow that God has allowed us to have, but I am ready for some warm weather. As I continue with my blog I am not only going to be posting about decorating, but I am also going to share my love for gardening. Gardening is a huge part of my life. I would say it is one of the most relaxing and enjoyable things I do in my free time during the warm months. I love seeing things grow, and the best part would be eating all of the fresh vegetables. Even though gardening season is still about 2 months away, it’ll come faster than we think. A few tips on starting a prosperous garden.
1.     Find a great spot in the yard with lots of room for growing plants
2.     To keep animals out, you might want put a fence around the garden area
3.     Buy some extra soil, to guarantee your plants growth
4.     Start planting… On the packages it should say how far you should plant the seeds in the ground, make sure to carefully read the instructions. (Each plant is different)

I hope each one of you will consider planting a garden this spring. It is so healthy for the soul. Why not try it out?

Keep your home beautiful and bright


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