
April Showers Bring May Flowers 

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone has had an amazing weekend. It has been a cold one here in VA. I had to pull out my winter coat to keep warm. Thank goodness the weather didn't kill my plants! I spent the weekend with my boyfriend's family, so I have been away from my house all weekend. The only good thing about being gone from home for a few days is when I return I have lots of things to pick from in the garden. 

I have been getting lots of asparagus lately, but man do I LOVE it! Asparagus is by far my favorite vegetable. I cook my my Asparagus in the oven on 350 for 18 minutes. I add olive oil, salt, pepper, parmesan cheese, and lemon juice. I highly recommend trying it! Also, if you ever want to plant something that keeps growing all summer, asparagus does just that. 

These beautiful May Flowers can brighten up any home. 

Here are a few ways to place your flowers around your home:

1. A table composition made from eggshells and flowers looks really springy and fresh. You can also add green twigs, pebbles, dried flowers, or any other decorations. You can even replace the eggshells with sea-shells of different sizes.

2. Making a wooden box or tray into a hanging shelf is not that hard to do. Such shelves with flower pots inside of them look perfect in country houses or Provence-style kitchens.

3. Any grass or small flowers in a basket will create a cozy atmosphere in your home. Inside, you should put some treated sponge to help preserve the freshness of the plants.

4. Blossoms of an apricot or cherry tree in simple glassware will bring spring right into your home. You can take twigs that only have buds and they will bloom in your house, giving off a sweet smell.


SkylerBackyard Greenhouse 

Today I have been incredibly happy probably because it was 80 degrees here in VA, and my plants are doing so great in my greenhouse. They are growing so quickly I can hardly keep up. It is all most transplanting season and that means less sunlight for these babies. Sometimes to much sunlight can damage your plants. I have covered my greenhouse to protect my plants from the sunlight. Just a few quick tips for transplanting. 

1. Make sure your plants are ready for the big move to the ground.
2. If they are tomatoes make sure to pull apart multiple plants. 
3. Dig hole in ground
4. Transplant your plant from the container
5. Put plant in hole
6. Cover with dirt and potting soil 
7. Water
8. Watch it grow! 



3 Easy growing Herbs 


With dozens of types to choose from, basil satisfies almost any palate. It's well-known as the main ingredient in pesto, but some varieties impart anise, lemon, mint, cinnamon, or clove flavors to foods. Selections that have purple foliage or attractive blooms are especially ornamental. Grow basil in full sun, tucking a few plants into flowerbeds or into container gardens.


Garlic's pungent bulbs have long been used for flavoring food and in medicines. It's even been grown with roses, where it reportedly repels aphids. Garlic grows in full sun or part shade. Plant cloves of garlic in late summer, and mulch over winter to harvest the following summer.


The main herb in pizza and spaghetti sauce brings good looks to gardens, too. Varieties vary in flavor; Greek oregano is one of the most intense. Oregano bears white or mauve flowers in late summer. Grow it in well-drained soil in full sun. It also works well in container gardens.

Happy Gardening


Hey guys!!! Welcome back! I am so excited about my blog today. I’m pretty sure this is my favorite post of the year! I am officially done with my spring classes and I just started my online courses for summer (no fun). I am beyond excited to be home and enjoying my garden. Gardening is one of my favorite things to do with my free time. I love being out in the sunshine and watching Gods beauty grow each and everyday. 

You’re probably wondering why I got into gardening in the first place… First of all I enjoy being outside and love the beautiful sunshine. Also, my papa (Kent Wheeler) has gardened his whole life, and I have watched him over the years and learned many tips from him. I also enjoy spending time in the garden because I get to spend lots of time with my sweet papa. I’m pretty sure there is no one wiser than my papa, he has taught me so much over the years. 

I am going to share with you how to get your garden started. 1. Teal up the soil and get the dirt very soft (it will help you out in the long run). 2. Dig holes (Depending on the plant, each hole needs to be a certain size). 3. Fill each hole with topsoil. 4. Fill holes with about 4 cups of water. 5. Dig with your hands and put the plants in the holes (this is the messy part). 6. Push the extra dirt back over the roots filling in the hole. 7. Water plants 8. Watch them grow 

Simple and Easy!!!! 

Keep your home beautiful and bright

- Skyler

What will you grow this year?

Gardening season is just around the corner, and it’s time to start planning for that 2016 garden. For gardener’s there’s at least one question that’s always fun to ponder: What crops should I plant this year? If I only had one choice of what to plant I would pick lettuce because it is easy to grow, takes up little space, and allows for long, continuous harvests. If you’re not convinced with lettuce, it’s time to give this veggie another look, considering they are one of the prettiest vegetables to grow. 
Another thing I enjoy to grow are homegrown strawberries. Homegrown strawberries truly are ripe, and tender. You’ll never get true strawberry flavor unless you find local berries. This is one of the easiest fruits to grow. As some of you might know, when you plant strawberries they wont produce until a year after you plant them, but once they start growing they never stop. These beautiful plants don’t require much attention. Why not plant some in your own garden? I hope you’ll dig in this spring and plant some favorite fruits and vegetables, and also try a few new ones. Whatever you grow this year, I wish you a happy gardening season and a bountiful harvest. 


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