Monday, May 28, 2018


Happy Memorial day! I am so thankful for the men and women who have served and are serving in the military for our freedom. Today is such a special day for America.

I hope all of you are having a great Memorial day so far. The weather here in VA is not the best. Every Memorial day we are at the lake but this year the weather just isn't that great. This morning I got a lot of work done in my garden so I am not complaining. I love having 1 extra day off during the week because I really feel like I had a mini vacation.

I want to share with you guys all my garden details as of now.

1. I want to give a huge shoutout to Gurney's Seeds for partnering with me and sending me samples of a ton of their seeds. I have always purchased my seeds from Gurney's. Everything I have bought from this company has been very successful. My papa has been gardening his entire life and his number 1 company is Gurney's. He has been growing their seeds for years.

2. I am growing all of my plants on a creek bottom (which is a first for me). It made a huge difference in my gardening experience. A LOT MORE WORK, but my plants look the best they ever have.

3. I DON'T HAVE A WATER HOSE. Yes, you heard me correctly. I am not using a water hose because my garden is 1 mile from my house. I have a wagon connected to my 4 wheeler and I ride that down to my garden. I back the wagon up to the creek and fill up my water buckets and that is how I water my garden. Luckily, we have had a lot of rain recently, and I haven't had to water my garden everyday.

4. I am so excited to share with you guys that this is my first year planting asparagus and they came UP. GUYS THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN. ASPARAGUS TAKES 2 YEARS TO EVEN GROW. Not really sure how I got so lucky.

5. I wanted to share with you guys a little about my fencing around my garden. We have so many deer at our house. Not even kidding every time I come down the driveway it is about 14 deer standing in our yard. I knew when I planted a garden that I was going to have to put major fencing around it to keep the deer out. I am so thankful that my husband is a cowboy because we had cow paneling laying around. He used paneling and then added orange wiring around the paneling so nothing could crawl through. It has worked so far (fingers crossed that continues).

6. My cherry tomatoes are producing! Just waiting for them to turn red.

I hope you guys have a great Memorial Day.

Seeds: Gurney's
Gloves: Moneta Farm Supply



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