Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Farm Fresh By Skyler

Hi Everyone, 

I am so glad you are reading my blog and making this dream of mine a reality. If you have read my blog before I am sure you’re wondering why the layout and name look so different. I have officially changed my blog name! I really thought long and hard about what I was going to name it. I had a really hard time picking out a name because I blog about everything,  fashion, interiors, cooking, and anything in between. So after many years of thought I finally figured it out. 

As many of you know I am married to a cowboy and when I say cowboy I don’t mean he dresses up in boots & does nothing. He is a real cowboy! Constantly dealing with cows and he is a very very good roper. He won the US Team roping in 2016 in Las Vegas! He is a legend in my eyes and continues to amaze me daily with his talent. 

Considering I am married to a cowboy, I have to be the wife of a cowboy. I don’t think you guys realize how hard it is to be married to one. COWBOYS EAT GOOD! That is one reason as to why I call this blog “The Farm Fresh”. I make my cowboy dinner every single night and I love it. I love cooking, and I do have to say I am a pretty good cook for my age. Now if you compare me to my grandma or sister-in-law I am not the best. They are the best cooks I know. 

Another reason I call this blog “The Farm Fresh” is because I am constantly in my garden. I grow everything, and anything you can think of. I can’t wait to start sharing my gardening 101 tips with you guys! 

As for Interiors I would consider myself to be a “farmhouse” girl. I love a good southern home. I love having guest and keeping my house open for company on the regular.  It’s always the southern thing to do. 

This blog is a little about my lifestyle and the things I love! Welcome to The Farm Fresh blog by Skyler :) 




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