Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Momma's Kitchen

Hey Guys!!!! I hope you're enjoying this beautiful weather we have today. (I know I am) Today has just been a HAPPY day, with all of the sunshine and smiles around my house. I'm so excited about today's post because it is dear to my heart. It's my momma's kitchen! Iv'e always grown up around great decorating. My mother is awesome at making home feel like home. When I come home on the weekends it's just so special to me because it's always so cozy. (And you can't forget about the great food). Momma's Kitchen is always the place to be, when I come home to visit. The kitchen has been so bright today with the sun shinning through the windows. My mothers kitchen is decorated very southern and traditional. She loves the chicken decorations and sunflowers. She always finds unique ways to design her kitchen. My all time favorite is adding lamps to a kitchen. Many people don't do lamps in a kitchen because it is very different, but personally I believe that it gives it that great cozy feel. Find a lamp that goes with the style you like and add it to your kitchen. It makes everything better, I promise !!!!
Keep your home beautiful and bright

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