Monday, May 28, 2018


Happy Memorial day! I am so thankful for the men and women who have served and are serving in the military for our freedom. Today is such a special day for America.

I hope all of you are having a great Memorial day so far. The weather here in VA is not the best. Every Memorial day we are at the lake but this year the weather just isn't that great. This morning I got a lot of work done in my garden so I am not complaining. I love having 1 extra day off during the week because I really feel like I had a mini vacation.

I want to share with you guys all my garden details as of now.

1. I want to give a huge shoutout to Gurney's Seeds for partnering with me and sending me samples of a ton of their seeds. I have always purchased my seeds from Gurney's. Everything I have bought from this company has been very successful. My papa has been gardening his entire life and his number 1 company is Gurney's. He has been growing their seeds for years.

2. I am growing all of my plants on a creek bottom (which is a first for me). It made a huge difference in my gardening experience. A LOT MORE WORK, but my plants look the best they ever have.

3. I DON'T HAVE A WATER HOSE. Yes, you heard me correctly. I am not using a water hose because my garden is 1 mile from my house. I have a wagon connected to my 4 wheeler and I ride that down to my garden. I back the wagon up to the creek and fill up my water buckets and that is how I water my garden. Luckily, we have had a lot of rain recently, and I haven't had to water my garden everyday.

4. I am so excited to share with you guys that this is my first year planting asparagus and they came UP. GUYS THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN. ASPARAGUS TAKES 2 YEARS TO EVEN GROW. Not really sure how I got so lucky.

5. I wanted to share with you guys a little about my fencing around my garden. We have so many deer at our house. Not even kidding every time I come down the driveway it is about 14 deer standing in our yard. I knew when I planted a garden that I was going to have to put major fencing around it to keep the deer out. I am so thankful that my husband is a cowboy because we had cow paneling laying around. He used paneling and then added orange wiring around the paneling so nothing could crawl through. It has worked so far (fingers crossed that continues).

6. My cherry tomatoes are producing! Just waiting for them to turn red.

I hope you guys have a great Memorial Day.

Seeds: Gurney's
Gloves: Moneta Farm Supply



Sunday, May 6, 2018

Sometimes you just have to save the laundry for later

Happy Sunday Everyone! I hope you guys had an amazing weekend! I am so sad to see it go. 

I named this blog post "sometimes you just have to save the laundry for later" because that is exactly what I did this weekend. I felt like I had so much to do around the house this weekend but I decided to go out and hang out with the ones I love. 

Friday night was great because my parents/brother/grandparents came over to see my garden (how precious, I know). Then we went to dinner at the lake because the weather was amazing. 

Saturday I decided to go to the strawberry festival with my parents and brother. I never do stuff like that anymore. I am always so busy. I am so glad I just decided to hold off the laundry until later. 

Sunday (today) was one of my favorite days! I said no to laundry AGAIN! Yes, Again! So glad I did. Chad and I went to church as always, and then came back home and napped until like 4:30. We both needed that. I am so glad he got to nap because he never gets to. After our long nap I went and worked in my garden for a few hours. Then we took the top off of the jeep and drove it around in the fields checking on the horses! 

It is weekends like this that I will remember. You wont always remember the weekends you did laundry. I have really tried to not sweat the small stuff, but enjoy being with family and friends! Don't get me wrong I think it is so important to keep your house work going, but sometimes it is okay to save it for later. 

I hope you guys had a great weekend! 

Now it is time to get this busy work week started! 



Thursday, May 3, 2018

Spring Overalls

It's almost Friday! I am so excited for the weekend because 1. My Grandparents are coming over tomorrow evening and helping me in my garden (yes they're the sweetest). Honestly nothing makes me happier in life. 2. It's suppose to rain on Sunday and that is a good thing for me because I will not have to water my garden! 3. I am just so happy it's the weekend haha! I hope you guys have fun plans!

I remember when I was in college and the weekend was just another day, and now in the adult world the weekends are everything!

I just wanted to come on here and tell you guys about this adorable overall dress. I ordered this dress on amazon for $16. I am so obsessed with overall dresses right now and I have no idea why. I have had the hardest time finding one that isn't to short. I am so picky when it comes to dresses because I feel so uncomfortable if anything is short. I love being able to walk around and not worry if my skirt/dress is going to come up. This dress was the perfect length.

Lets skip to the shoes.... These shoes are amazing! I will be wearing these all summer. I have wore these 4 out of the 5 days at work this week. They go with everything! I bought these amazing shoes at Tjmaxx (whats new) for under $50. I am also very picky when it comes to shoes because I always try and find the most unique ones. SHOES MAKE YOUR OUTFIT!

I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend!

Outfit Details:

Shirt: Tjmaxx
Shoes: Tjmaxx
Sunglasses: Loft
Overalls: Amazon



Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Why I think Tjmaxx is the best

 Happy Tuesday! I am so excited about tonights blog post! I have some exciting news for you guys! I officially have someone who is willing to take all of my blog photos!!!!! It's so great! I finally can get this blog thing up and running (full time).

I just want to share with you guys why I think Tjmaxx is the best. 1st off this entire outfit is Tjmaxx except my shoes. I love Tjmaxx so much because I never know what I am going to buy every time I go into the store. I go in having no idea what I am going to find. Most of the time I come out spending way to much money (thanks to the checkout line).

2nd- I always always always find something unique. This amazing jacket pictured above was something I was not searching for but when I saw it I had to get it. It looks great with white pants as well. It makes any outfit pop.

3rd- The PRICES!!! The prices are amazing. I am such a trendy person so I don't like spending an arm and leg for something, because I might only wear it once or twice. Tjmaxx allows me to buy lots of new clothes and not feel guilty about it.


Outfit Details:

Skirt: Tjmaxx
Shirt: Tjmaxx
Jacket: Tjmaxx
Shoes: Target
Purse: Amazon
Sunglasses: Loft



Monday, March 19, 2018

Easter Dress

Happy Monday everyone! The weekend went by so fast, but I am ready to get this week started. It is a busy week at work because we are gearing up for High Point Market which is only 3 weeks away!
I can't believe it!

I wanted to share with you guys my Easter Sunday dress as well as my dress I will be wearing at High Point Market this year. I know I always say "my favorite outfit of all time" in like every post but this is really my favorite dress I have ever worn. I am such a fan of long dresses. I feel so classy and modest in them. I have always been afraid to wear them because I am only 5'3". I have actually come to find out that they are my favorite style to wear. It makes me look taller and slimmer.

I bought this dress at Tjmaxx and it was only $25. I paired it with pink earrings I got from tjmaxx as well that for $12.99. I am going to pair this dress with some espadrilles.

Dress: Tjmaxx
Earrings: Tjmaxx
Bag: Versona
Hair: Barefoot Blonde Hair (color Sandy Blonde)



Friday, March 16, 2018

Zipper Dress

Happy Friday everyone!

I hope everyone has the best weekend! It's time to relax!

I just wanted to hop on here and share with you guys one of my favorite dresses for this spring.
I have always been a person who loves dresses. I always spend lots of time researching the latest trends. I am so picky when it comes to buying dresses because I try and find a dress no one has. I love dresses that make a statement. I don't mind spending a little more for a dress as long as it makes that statement. This dress does just that!

Dress: Anthropologie
Shoes: Marshalls
Hair: Barefoot Blonde Hair



Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Black Jeans that make a statement

It's almost the weekend! Oh Happy Day!

I hope you guys have fun plans! My plans consist of hanging out with my mom, and I am in an Easter play at church and the first performance is this Sunday!

I have enjoyed this week because of the time change. I am so happy that the time has changed because that means longer days! I have had the hardest time getting blog pictures because when I get home it is dark and on the weekends my husband is so busy he cant take my pictures. Now that the time has changed I can start my outfit post again!

To start off the spring/summer outfit post I am starting with one of my favorite looks.

These pants OMG they're amazing! I wore them in town this past weekend and I got so many compliments. They are so comfy and they go with anything! I am so excited about the spring styles this year because everything is floral and pastel. I am so excited to share with you guys the amazing trends coming up!

Pants: Tjmaxx
Shirt: Loft
Shoes: Marshalls
Bag: Versona
Hair: Barefoot Blonde Hair
Earrings: Tjmaxx



Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Ranch Pork Chops and Green Beans Sheet Pan Dinner

I am so happy the time has changed because that means gardening season is very close. I also love the time change because the sun is still shining when I get off work. Which means I have better lighting for all of my pictures. So that means more blog post coming soon!

I am so excited to share this recipe with you all. It is one of my favorites and it is so simple and easy! 


  1. Preheat your oven to 400 F degrees. Spray a baking sheet with cooking spray.
  2. Place green beans and pork chops on the baking sheet and drizzle the olive oil over the pork chops and the green beans and toss well.
  3. In a small bowl mix together the ranch seasoning, smoked paprika, oregano and black pepper. Rub the seasoning over the pork chops and the green beans. I didn't find the need for additional salt, but feel free to season with salt to taste.
  4. Place the baking sheet in the oven and roast for about 35 to 40 minutes or until the pork chops are cooked through and the green beans are fork tender. The internal temperature of the chops should reach 145 degrees F (63 degrees C) when cooked. Also please note that all ovens are different, and some may take longer and some may require less time.
  5. Garnish with chopped parsley then serve immediately.



Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Long Dresses for the Yes

Hi guys,

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend! I had the best weekend with my friends! My best friends came to stay with me all weekend. We relaxed, shopped, and ate tons of food (It doesn't get better than that). The best part about my girlfriends coming over is BLOG PICTURES! My best friend Ashleigh is a great photographer and she understands the importance of good images! Anyways, we all got dressed up and went outside and took pictures (silly I know).

I also just got back from Boston on Thursday! That was the first time I have ever been to Boston and I LOVED IT! I went for a work trip but I got some free time to explore the city which was great!

Restaurant recommendations:

1. Taranta- Italian Restaurant ( Best ever)
2. Toro- Spanish Restaurant (small plates)

I also got the above dress at the Anthropologie store in Boston! They were having a sale ... 50% off  sale price! I honestly couldn't believe how cheap things were! (This never happens) I got this dress for $15 I repeat $15!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can still find this dress online if you would like to purchase!

Dress: Anthropologie
Shoes: Saks Fifth Avenue
Earrings: Loft
Hair: Barefoot Blonde Hair ... Color: Sandy Blonde



Saturday, January 20, 2018

Casual Saturday Outfit

Happy Saturday!!!!

Today in VA it was 57 degrees!!!! It was a beautiful day and I didn't take it for granted! My mother and I did our workout outside today and then shopped! Talk about the perfect Saturday!

I love being casual when I go out to shop! The above outfit is my go to outfit for running errands and shopping around all day! It is so comfortable!

Leggings: Loft
Shoes: TJMaxx New Balance
Shirt: TJMaxx
Hat: Altar'd State
Hair: Barefoot Blonde Hair
Earrings: Altar'd State



Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Cozy Snow Day

I just realized this is my first blog post of 2018! I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years! I am sorry I have been MIA these last few weeks, but I have enjoyed all my free time with my family and friends over the Holidays!

I have really been struggling getting content for my blog. It is always hard for me to get pictures because it is dark when I get home every evening, and on the weekends my husband never wants to take them for me! I took advantage of him today because we are both stuck at home because of the snow and I knew he couldn't make an excuse!

I am so happy it is snowing here in VA! It has been extremely cold these last few weeks but it hasn't snowed at all! It finally snowed today! I am enjoying a relaxing day at home while catching up on laundry!

I wanted to share this simple/cozy snow look with you guys! I also really recommend hair extensions because I didn't even brush my hair out for this shoot! I just braided a strand of hair and put in my extensions! They're magical!

Jacket: Banana Republic
Sweater: Gap
Earrings: Loft
Pants: Gap
Shoes: Macys
Purse: GHbass
Hair: Barefoot Blonde Hair (Sandy Blonde)

I am really looking forward to putting together more blog post for you guys! Comment below on what you would want to see more of!!!!



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