Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Why I think Tjmaxx is the best

 Happy Tuesday! I am so excited about tonights blog post! I have some exciting news for you guys! I officially have someone who is willing to take all of my blog photos!!!!! It's so great! I finally can get this blog thing up and running (full time).

I just want to share with you guys why I think Tjmaxx is the best. 1st off this entire outfit is Tjmaxx except my shoes. I love Tjmaxx so much because I never know what I am going to buy every time I go into the store. I go in having no idea what I am going to find. Most of the time I come out spending way to much money (thanks to the checkout line).

2nd- I always always always find something unique. This amazing jacket pictured above was something I was not searching for but when I saw it I had to get it. It looks great with white pants as well. It makes any outfit pop.

3rd- The PRICES!!! The prices are amazing. I am such a trendy person so I don't like spending an arm and leg for something, because I might only wear it once or twice. Tjmaxx allows me to buy lots of new clothes and not feel guilty about it.


Outfit Details:

Skirt: Tjmaxx
Shirt: Tjmaxx
Jacket: Tjmaxx
Shoes: Target
Purse: Amazon
Sunglasses: Loft



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