Sunday, May 6, 2018

Sometimes you just have to save the laundry for later

Happy Sunday Everyone! I hope you guys had an amazing weekend! I am so sad to see it go. 

I named this blog post "sometimes you just have to save the laundry for later" because that is exactly what I did this weekend. I felt like I had so much to do around the house this weekend but I decided to go out and hang out with the ones I love. 

Friday night was great because my parents/brother/grandparents came over to see my garden (how precious, I know). Then we went to dinner at the lake because the weather was amazing. 

Saturday I decided to go to the strawberry festival with my parents and brother. I never do stuff like that anymore. I am always so busy. I am so glad I just decided to hold off the laundry until later. 

Sunday (today) was one of my favorite days! I said no to laundry AGAIN! Yes, Again! So glad I did. Chad and I went to church as always, and then came back home and napped until like 4:30. We both needed that. I am so glad he got to nap because he never gets to. After our long nap I went and worked in my garden for a few hours. Then we took the top off of the jeep and drove it around in the fields checking on the horses! 

It is weekends like this that I will remember. You wont always remember the weekends you did laundry. I have really tried to not sweat the small stuff, but enjoy being with family and friends! Don't get me wrong I think it is so important to keep your house work going, but sometimes it is okay to save it for later. 

I hope you guys had a great weekend! 

Now it is time to get this busy work week started! 



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