Monday, June 5, 2017

Soon to be Simmons

Happy Monday everyone!

As most of you know I am ENGAGED!!!!! I can't believe I finally get to say that! I have got lots of questions on how he proposed. This blog post is all about Chad and I, and how we met, and then I will get into the proposal. So on March 29th 2013, Chad and I were "set up" by my uncle. I met Chad at a church Easter play (the church I know attend). I went to Halesford Baptist to watch the Easter production, and who would have ever thought that is where I would meet husband? My uncle, Chads family, and I went to Wendy's after the Easter play and grabbed something quick and sat down and talked the rest of the evening. I guess that is when Chad figured out he wanted to ask me out on a date. After that night we were together everyday. Fun Fact: My aunt always told me to pray specifics, and God will give it to you if he wants you to have it. So I prayed that the lord would send me a cowboy who loves Jesus and he gave me just that!!!!!! Jesus is so cool. I am very thankful I get to  marry someone who loves Jesus and puts him first.

Now its time for the proposal!

On August 27th 2017 Chad Simmons asked me to marry him. How? Funny story. Actually it's not that funny but I sure do love that man. August 27th was a Saturday and Chad told me he wanted to go for a boat ride early that morning, so that is what we did. We took the boat out and stopped and got lunch and ate on the water (that was fun). After we ate lunch Chad took me to a cove and asked me " what I got him for his birthday" (his birthday was 4 days before this). I responded "I haven't got you anything yet, I told you I would let you pick it out". He said,"What if I told you I wanted to marry you as my birthday gift". WOW WOW WOW! I did not see that coming. Chad got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Side note: I said yes before he even asked!!!! After that amazing surprise we met our friends at one of the nicest restaurants on Smith Mountain Lake and celebrated the evening. That was the BEST day of my entire life and I am so happy I get to become a Simmons.

Wedding date: September 9th of THIS year.

The above pictures were taken by: Josh Taylor



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