Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Happy Wednesday! 

Today is a wonderful day because I received the best package in the mail ever! I finally upgraded cameras. I officially am now a proud owner of a Canon 5D Mark iii with a 35mm 1.4 lens. Let me tell you, I HAVE BEEN MISSING OUT. I can't believe I have waited this long to buy a 5D. I have photographed multiple weddings these past few weekends and I decided that I needed an upgrade. I know I am capable of creating even better images, but it took me awhile to figure out I had to have the equipment to do so. Also, if you have't figured out yet, I AM ENGAGED!!!!! Yes, I said it, ENGAGED! OHHHHH and I am getting married September 9th of THIS year!!!!! Let's just say I am going to be a busy girl. 

Anyways, the above outfit is one of my summer favorites. I am such a shoe freak and I always want the newest trend that is out. These tie up espadrilles are perfect with ANYTHING! 

Outfit Details:

Shirt: Tjmaxx 
Skirt: Target 
Shoes: Tjmaxx 
Sunglasses: Loft 
Purse: Old Navy 



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