Thursday, March 26, 2015

Color and Space

Neutral Warm Colors 

This picture is a good example of colors. How fun is this blue door? It looks great with 
the grey paint on the walls.

The centerpiece in this room is the fireplace. They based the space and decor around 
the fireplace. 

Good sunny afternoon! I hope all of you, are having a great day! ( I know I am) I hope this weather makes you take a moment out of your day, to put down your homework, computer, and life stress events to the side. I have not even had room to breath lately, with the load of school work I have had, but this sunshine made me take a moment out of my day to sit outside and do nothing but enjoy God’s beauty.
Sunshine always gets me in the mood to blog (So here it is).

This week in my Interior Design class we learned about style. Style is such a important thing when it comes to decorating your home. There are many things that can be considered with style. First, what colors are you in love with? Colors are the biggest factor when choosing style. You don’t want to choose a color that you will get bored with, 10 years down the road. I love neutral, red, and dark mint. HINT: When choosing a paint color always go a shade lower then what you chose. Color is very deceiving.  Also, when considering style, try to figure out what you want for your centerpiece, (the piece you want people to notice when coming in your home). When you find that wonderful beautiful piece for your home, base everything else off of that one item. Decorating is all about your style, and it’s very important to know what style you are.

Keep your home beautiful and bright


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