Monday, September 18, 2017

Pork in a bag

Hi Everyone!

This feels weird posting because I am always posting about fashion/ interiors/ and anything pretty. I decided to step it up a notch and start posting about meals. I love cooking, and I would consider myself a pretty good cook. I use to cook every single night when I was in college and then I moved back in with my parents and stopped for awhile because my mom cooked every night. Now that I am married I will be cooking every single night ( I mean that). Any other lady's out there that their husbands have to have a home cooked meal every single night? Yep. I am right there with you. I don't mind cooking because I truly enjoy it. I really like it even more now because I have my own kitchen. Do you ever need recipes for those nights that you want to just stick something in the oven and relax while it's cooking? See below to find that awesome recipe.

The meal above is one of my favorites and it is so simple!

Pork Loin in a bag 

1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Lay a Reynolds Cooking bag in a baking dish.
3. Put the pork loin in the bag ( I usually use a small loin)
4. Add frozen peas and carrots to bag
5. Add Savory Pot Roast Mix to the bag
6. Add 1/2 Cup of water.
7. Tie up the bag and mix everything together
8. Tear a few small holes throughout the bag so the meat can breath while it's cooking
9. Put in the oven for 1 hour 15 minutes
10. ENJOY!

Buttered Asparagus 

 1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Wash the Asparagus
3. Cut the ends off the Asparagus
4. Lay the Asparagus on a baking sheet
5. Add extra Virgin Olive oil
6. Add a few slices of butter
7. Add Salt
8. Mix it all together
9. Bake for 18-20 Minutes (depending on the size of the Asparagus)
10. Enjoy

Easy and Delicious



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