Friday, September 15, 2017


Hi everyone! I am MARRIED! What a wonderful experience and week it has been. I can't explain the feeling you have after you become married but it is wonderful. As most of you know Chad and I were suppose to go to Cancun for our honeymoon and then a travel ban was put in effect for Mexico so we had to cancel that trip. Next, we decided we were going to go to Punta Cana in the Caribbean.  We were so excited to do something tropical but it was not meant for us to go because hurricane Irma was heading that way. Long story short we ended up canceling that trip and we decided to just "wing it". At first I did not like that idea. I felt like our marriage/honeymoon needed to be the perfect fairytale ending. I was pretty upset we were just going to "wing" our honeymoon, but I am so glad we did. We stayed at hotel Roanoke for 2 nights and let the weather clear up before we headed anywhere since it was raining literally everywhere on the east coast.

After we stayed at hotel Roanoke we went back to our new home and spent the night and repacked our bags. The next morning we left and headed to NC and ended up at the Omni Grove Park Inn. GUYS, I can't explain how amazing this hotel was. It was the nicest place I have ever stayed in my entire life. We decided to relax, do the spa, tour the Biltmore, and eat really good meals. (We did all of that). So blessed to spend a few days away with my husband.

See below for descriptions about each image.

I always get so shy when I have to ask someone to take a picture of us. Finally, got one together. 

This image shows a really good view of what the hotel really looked like. This hotel has been around for hundreds of years. The arcitecture is truly amazing. 

Fun Fact! In room 545 it is haunted. Apparently a lady dropped 7 floors in the 1800's and no one is allowed to spend the night in that room since then.

One day while we were in Ashveille we decided to tour the Biltmore. We both have not toured it before so we decided it was the perfect time to do so. If you have not toured the Biltmore I really think it's something to see. It's one of those things that once you tour it one time that is good enough. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND it.  

A little about the Biltmore it was owned by George Vanderbilt who started the railroad in the late 1800's. Today it is the largest privately owned home in the United states by the 5th generation of Vanderbilts. 

The architecture is something I have never seen anywhere else in my life. It's beautiful. 

This was my very favorite room because I love anything with plants and greenhouses. This was a greenhouse inside of their home.

This was the "outdoor" greenhouse and the gardens. Talk about talent!



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