Thursday, March 30, 2017

Winter or Spring? I'm not really sure!

Winter or Spring? I don't really know. I have found out over the years the "between seasons" are the hardest times to be fashionable. I know every morning I am running around trying to dress myself but always find myself asking the same question "is this okay for the season?" Truthfully, when the seasons are changing, I struggle with trying to figure out what to wear (and thats okay). I try and make my life easier with these 3 tips. And I hope it helps you too!

1. FIRST FIRST FIRST!!!! Look at the weather the night before to make sure the outfit you choose is appropriate for that day.

2. Plan ahead! I do this sometimes, but I am even guilty of not doing it. I try to have a little idea of what I am going to wear the next day, that way I am not in a rush in the morning. I also go on pinterest and look up a shirt or item I all ready have, and try to find the perfect outfit to go with that one item. (It helps a lot)

3. Always stay fashionable! I have always enjoyed dressing up my entire life, but the older I get the more I realize how important it is. Especially in my career as a designer. I know people wouldn't take me serious if I didn't dress up. I believe it makes a person feel more confident.  I am a strong believer in "dressing up makes for a productive day."



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