Monday, March 27, 2017

DIY Marble Easter Eggs

Step 1. Fill plastic container 3/4 full with room temperature water. I used a 28 oz container.
*If the water is too cold the polish will sink. Add a few drops of nail polish. The more drops of polish, the darker and more covered the egg will get.
Step 2. Lightly stir with stick to make a marble look in water.
Step 3. Dip the egg under the water and swirl. Wear rubber gloves. I learned the hard way. I will spare you a picture of my fingers after dipping a dozen eggs in water/blue nail polish! You could also try using small tongs to remove eggs.
Step 4. Dry the eggs. We have chickens so we have plenty of extra egg cartons laying around.
You could use any color combo of nail polish. I love how the indigo turned out. 

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