Monday, January 25, 2016

Winter wonderland

Good morning guys!!!!! I am so excited that I can finally get out of the house, but I was very blessed to stay in all weekend and just relax before my school load got crazy. I hope all of you have stayed dry and warm during this snowstorm.  Today’s post is about how to make a photograph look extra great. For the people who do not know me, I am such a fan of art. Lots of people get gifts in life such as singing, athletic, and book smart, I’d say my gift in life is being artistic. I enjoy painting, designing, and I really really enjoy photography. Photography is so easy, but yet so rewarding. I love taking pictures of people; I love making people feel beautiful in every way. Every person has something unique about them, and the goal with photographing people is to get that unique quality about them in the photo. Some people have big smiles, others have distinct eyes, and each person is different and its so important to find that persons unique quality. To make a good photograph you need to find the right coloring. Coloring plays the biggest part in how the photo is going to turn out. With coloring you need to wear clothing that is opposite colors with the background you are going to be using. For instance, in the snow you don’t want to wear white because it blends together. It’s important to find the complementary color of the background you are going to be using (that’s a interior design definition). Complementary colors are the colors that when combined cancel each other out. If you were taking pictures in front of a green tree, red would be the color to wear. Coloring is everything when trying to take a good picture.  Here are a few of my favorite shots from the snowstorm.

- Skyler

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