Thursday, January 21, 2016

The perfect set up

Hey guys, I’m sure everyone is getting ready for this huge snow we are about to have. I was scrolling through my pictures and I noticed these awesome pictures I took of my parents dining room table over Christmas break! My mother is so talented at decorating, and people always wonder why I want to be a decorator (it’s because I want to be as good as my mother one day). I loved how she hung crystals from the chandelier to give the room a prettier feel. When my parents built this house, they wanted a dinning room to hold lots of people (they sure got it). Over Christmas break we had the entire family over and we all sat at this table. This beautiful room is one of a kind and it will never date. Décor is something everyone has to have within the home, but it’s so important to know how to set up and decorate the pieces you have purchased. 

Keep your home beautiful and bright


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