Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Fashion Show April 2016

Hello guys, I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas break and a happy New Year (I know I have). Today’s post is very special to my heart, because I have worked very hard on this particular thing I am going to be sharing with you all. As some of you may know I was accepted into the 2016 Fashion Show at Liberty University. To give you some more detail, I came up with a fashion sketch (shown in the picture) I turned in my fashion sketch and  it got approved. I couldn’t believe that my sketch got approved, but I was so excited about this journey. After my sketch got approved all of the fun things started to happen.
            As a designer it is important to find the right model to wear the attire you created. Once I figured out what I was designing, I then was on the search for a model. The fashion show program had model casting, which is when people come try out for a position in the fashion show. As people strutted down the aisle, this one particular girl caught my eye. This beautiful girl had dark hair, and GREAT eyebrows (well I ended up getting her). Once my model was chosen I had to get measurements and sizes to start the designing process. Well as of tonight I started creating my 2 dresses I will be presenting in the Fashion Show in April. I just want all of you to know that I have never sewn an outfit in my entire life, but it is so fun to take chances and just DO IT (as Nike says). As in the picture below that is just the outline to an amazing dress that should be done in 2 weeks! Once I finish my dresses I will post them and show you the final product! 

Thanks for reading!


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