Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Farm Fresh By Skyler

Hi Everyone, 

I am so glad you are reading my blog and making this dream of mine a reality. If you have read my blog before I am sure you’re wondering why the layout and name look so different. I have officially changed my blog name! I really thought long and hard about what I was going to name it. I had a really hard time picking out a name because I blog about everything,  fashion, interiors, cooking, and anything in between. So after many years of thought I finally figured it out. 

As many of you know I am married to a cowboy and when I say cowboy I don’t mean he dresses up in boots & does nothing. He is a real cowboy! Constantly dealing with cows and he is a very very good roper. He won the US Team roping in 2016 in Las Vegas! He is a legend in my eyes and continues to amaze me daily with his talent. 

Considering I am married to a cowboy, I have to be the wife of a cowboy. I don’t think you guys realize how hard it is to be married to one. COWBOYS EAT GOOD! That is one reason as to why I call this blog “The Farm Fresh”. I make my cowboy dinner every single night and I love it. I love cooking, and I do have to say I am a pretty good cook for my age. Now if you compare me to my grandma or sister-in-law I am not the best. They are the best cooks I know. 

Another reason I call this blog “The Farm Fresh” is because I am constantly in my garden. I grow everything, and anything you can think of. I can’t wait to start sharing my gardening 101 tips with you guys! 

As for Interiors I would consider myself to be a “farmhouse” girl. I love a good southern home. I love having guest and keeping my house open for company on the regular.  It’s always the southern thing to do. 

This blog is a little about my lifestyle and the things I love! Welcome to The Farm Fresh blog by Skyler :) 




Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Perfect Homemade Pizza

Tuesday's are for pizza! I would have to say Pizza is my all time favorite food. It's even better when you make it yourself. I have made homemade pizza probably 30 times in my lifetime and it never disappoints. This recipe is for those of you who have a Kitchen Aid. I am sure you could somehow do this without one but this recipe is really for Kitchen Aid use only. 

What you need: 

1 package active dry yeast 
1 cup warm water 
1/2 tsp salt 
2 tsp olive oil 
2 1/2-3 cups of all-purpose flour


1. Dissolve yeast in warm water in your kitchen aid mixing bowl. Add salt, olive oil, and flour. Attach bowl and dough hook to your mixer. Turn to speed 2 and mix about 1-2 minutes. (until dough forms into a ball, like above).

2. Place dough in greased bowl, and cover with towel to keep warm. Leave it sitting for about 1 hour. The dough should rise. 

3. Brush your pizza pan with oil. Role out your dough and place on pizza dish. Make the edging of the crust thick so the toppings wont fall off. 

4. Add all of your toppings. In the above image I added green peppers, sausage, ham, and cheese. 

5. Bake at 450 degrees for 15-20 minutes




Monday, September 25, 2017

Website Launch

Happy Happy Monday! I am so excited that you guys have visited my new and improved blog website. I have worked on this for awhile and I am very happy it is finally up and running. I wanted my look to feel clean. I have had the same layout since 2014 and it was time for an update. I have been really blessed on how well this blog has actually done. I can't wait to continue growing this blog and adding new content every week. I am going to start posting a lot more cooking recipes because that is something I do daily, and I got a lot of feedback on the 1 recipe I did post. I am so excited to see where this journey is going to take me. Thank you to everyone who has read my blog over the years! I really appreciate you guys! 



Monday, September 18, 2017

Pork in a bag

Hi Everyone!

This feels weird posting because I am always posting about fashion/ interiors/ and anything pretty. I decided to step it up a notch and start posting about meals. I love cooking, and I would consider myself a pretty good cook. I use to cook every single night when I was in college and then I moved back in with my parents and stopped for awhile because my mom cooked every night. Now that I am married I will be cooking every single night ( I mean that). Any other lady's out there that their husbands have to have a home cooked meal every single night? Yep. I am right there with you. I don't mind cooking because I truly enjoy it. I really like it even more now because I have my own kitchen. Do you ever need recipes for those nights that you want to just stick something in the oven and relax while it's cooking? See below to find that awesome recipe.

The meal above is one of my favorites and it is so simple!

Pork Loin in a bag 

1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Lay a Reynolds Cooking bag in a baking dish.
3. Put the pork loin in the bag ( I usually use a small loin)
4. Add frozen peas and carrots to bag
5. Add Savory Pot Roast Mix to the bag
6. Add 1/2 Cup of water.
7. Tie up the bag and mix everything together
8. Tear a few small holes throughout the bag so the meat can breath while it's cooking
9. Put in the oven for 1 hour 15 minutes
10. ENJOY!

Buttered Asparagus 

 1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Wash the Asparagus
3. Cut the ends off the Asparagus
4. Lay the Asparagus on a baking sheet
5. Add extra Virgin Olive oil
6. Add a few slices of butter
7. Add Salt
8. Mix it all together
9. Bake for 18-20 Minutes (depending on the size of the Asparagus)
10. Enjoy

Easy and Delicious



Friday, September 15, 2017


Hi everyone! I am MARRIED! What a wonderful experience and week it has been. I can't explain the feeling you have after you become married but it is wonderful. As most of you know Chad and I were suppose to go to Cancun for our honeymoon and then a travel ban was put in effect for Mexico so we had to cancel that trip. Next, we decided we were going to go to Punta Cana in the Caribbean.  We were so excited to do something tropical but it was not meant for us to go because hurricane Irma was heading that way. Long story short we ended up canceling that trip and we decided to just "wing it". At first I did not like that idea. I felt like our marriage/honeymoon needed to be the perfect fairytale ending. I was pretty upset we were just going to "wing" our honeymoon, but I am so glad we did. We stayed at hotel Roanoke for 2 nights and let the weather clear up before we headed anywhere since it was raining literally everywhere on the east coast.

After we stayed at hotel Roanoke we went back to our new home and spent the night and repacked our bags. The next morning we left and headed to NC and ended up at the Omni Grove Park Inn. GUYS, I can't explain how amazing this hotel was. It was the nicest place I have ever stayed in my entire life. We decided to relax, do the spa, tour the Biltmore, and eat really good meals. (We did all of that). So blessed to spend a few days away with my husband.

See below for descriptions about each image.

I always get so shy when I have to ask someone to take a picture of us. Finally, got one together. 

This image shows a really good view of what the hotel really looked like. This hotel has been around for hundreds of years. The arcitecture is truly amazing. 

Fun Fact! In room 545 it is haunted. Apparently a lady dropped 7 floors in the 1800's and no one is allowed to spend the night in that room since then.

One day while we were in Ashveille we decided to tour the Biltmore. We both have not toured it before so we decided it was the perfect time to do so. If you have not toured the Biltmore I really think it's something to see. It's one of those things that once you tour it one time that is good enough. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND it.  

A little about the Biltmore it was owned by George Vanderbilt who started the railroad in the late 1800's. Today it is the largest privately owned home in the United states by the 5th generation of Vanderbilts. 

The architecture is something I have never seen anywhere else in my life. It's beautiful. 

This was my very favorite room because I love anything with plants and greenhouses. This was a greenhouse inside of their home.

This was the "outdoor" greenhouse and the gardens. Talk about talent!



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