Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Drying Oranges

Is there anything quite as festive as the smell of oranges? The smell takes me back to when my mom use to dry out oranges for around the house. While they are baking they smell so good, and then once they are baked and dried out, they make lovely decorations too! You can string them into a garland or hang them on on a Christmas tree, but I am adding mine to Christmas gifts! I love gift wrapping and every year I always think of something fun to add to each gift! I will also add a few of these to my Christmas tree.

They're really simple to make. I just sliced up some oranges into thin slices and laid them on a kitchen towel to absorb any excess juice. I left them to drain there for awhile, and put an extra layer of paper towels on top to cover both sides. Once most of the juices drain, I put them on a baking tray and put them in the oven. I put them in the oven on 176 Degrees F and cook around 2-3 hours. When they have dried out and become firm, I just took them out and left them to cool.

They also last really well. I know my mom use to keep hers for years. As long as you store them in air tight plastic container and not just a cardboard box, otherwise I am sure you will have some creatures in there with you next December!




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