Wednesday, July 6, 2016

How to dry flowers 101

I have always struggled with drying flowers, until now! I have finally figured out the trick. I have tried all of the old wise tales, and none of them work. The best way to dry hydrangeas and to get the look you’re hoping for is to hope for the best (seriously). Hydrangeas need to be cut at a certain time. If you cut them to early they will be too moist to dry out. Once the flowers start turning a little bit darker than their natural color, which is when it is time for you to cut them.  Step 1: Wait until the flower is darker than its original color. Step 2: Cut 12-18 inches from the flower. Step 3: Put flowers into a half watered container. (Once the water is evaporated within 10-30 days your flowers should be dried out).

Enjoy your garden as much as I do, xoxo


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