Monday, February 15, 2016

What will you grow this year?

What will you grow this year?

Gardening season is just around the corner, and it’s time to start planning for that 2016 garden. For gardener’s there’s at least one question that’s always fun to ponder: What crops should I plant this year? If I only had one choice of what to plant I would pick lettuce because it is easy to grow, takes up little space, and allows for long, continuous harvests. If you’re not convinced with lettuce, it’s time to give this veggie another look, considering they are one of the prettiest vegetables to grow.
Another thing I enjoy to grow are homegrown strawberries. Homegrown strawberries truly are ripe, and tender. You’ll never get true strawberry flavor unless you find local berries. This is one of the easiest fruits to grow. As some of you might know, when you plant strawberries they wont produce until a year after you plant them, but once they start growing they never stop. These beautiful plants don’t require much attention. Why not plant some in your own garden? I hope you’ll dig in this spring and plant some favorite fruits and vegetables, and also try a few new ones. Whatever you grow this year, I wish you a happy gardening season and a bountiful harvest.


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