Wednesday, December 16, 2015

I am ready for you 2016

Hey guys, I’m so excited to be writing a post tonight! I have taken a break from my blog because this semester has been CRAZY, but I am happy to announce I am home for break (praise the Lord). I have had a busy semester considering I have written a 22-page play for my church, working youth group at Halesford Baptist on wednesdays, painted over 30 paintings for a craft show, and now I am designing & sewing two outfits for the 2016 fashion show at Liberty University! I am overwhelmed at how awesome God is. I have had such an amazing semester at school, and God has shown me a lot over this 6-month period. If anyone knows me you know that I am super shy. This semester God has told me to get over that fear, and to get involved with things. I have got involved in so many activities that sometimes I get overwhelmed, but I am so thankful he took away that fear in my life. I have had the best 6-months of my entire life this semester, and I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for me next year! Here are a few of my favorite memories this semester!

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