Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Encouraging words

Hey guys, I know that life is always busy, but man my life has been extra busy this month. Summer is just a week away from today and I am so excited to start my blog back up. School is at it’s all time high this week, but I know the good Lord will get me through. Summer is just around the corner, and I have some great blogs planned out. Hopefully I will be blogging at least three times a week during the summer, since I will have more free time. I want to share many things with you such as, gardening tips, fashion, beauty, and of course the latest trend in Interior Design. I enjoy each of these categories very much and I hope you guys will like it as well.

As this week continues I just want to encourage you with some scripture, Proverbs 15:1 says, “ A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger”.
This verse has been my verse of the week. I think it’s very important as a Christian to stay positive, and kind throughout the day. I know life can be hard and we say mean things to others, but it never turns out pretty (so why do it)? My goal for the week is to show Christ love through the kind words I speak. Nothing is more powerful then words. I can’t imagine the lives we/ I could change if we just spoke with kind hearts. Maybe you should try and apply this to your life this week, and see all of the wonderful things that could come out of it. I hope each and every one of you has a blessed week. Lots of fun blog posts are coming soon! Stay tuned!

Keep your home beautiful and bright

- Skyler

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